About COR

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COR is the kosher certification trademark used by the Kashruth Council of Canada, the largest kosher certification agency in Canada. COR has been servicing the Canadian food industry for over 60 years and now certifies 70,000 products at approximately 1000 facilities across Canada and around the world.

COR employs a team of talented inspectors and rabbinic coordinators who are experts in the intricacies of modern food production as well as the specifics of Jewish law. The COR inspectors and rabbinic coordinators work in conjunction with food manufacturers and food service establishments to ensure that food which is COR certified complies with the highest kosher dietary standards.

COR also acts as a community organization educating consumers about what makes a product kosher, and assisting them in finding out which food products are indeed certified kosher.

The COR symbol is trusted by consumers the world over as it notifies them that a particular product is in full compliance with the highest kosher standards. To consumers, the COR stands for kosher quality.